We woke up early and were off to a good start. We checked over our bikes and both Kelly and I had flat rear tires. We fixed them and took off from the Princeton campsite.
Things were going great. We were told that the road to Keremeos was mainly downhill. Within 3 km, however, Vanessa’s rear tire popped. We replaced it with another tube which popped again. Turned out she had a whole in her actual tire. We went back into town and Kal-Tire told us it was irreplaceable. The only bike shop there didn’t have a tire that would fit her rim.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, however you want to look at it, we pulled the tandem out and made our way to Keremeos. I thought we had seen the last of it. Luckily it was mostly downhill because it would’ve been impossible otherwise. At some points we even had to peddle down a hill. Such a terrible bike. The weather and scenery was perfect, on the other hand. We just could’ve enjoyed it a lot more if we were on our own bikes.
Meanwhile, Allan made his way into Osoyoos (and then Oliver) to retrieve a tire that would fit Vanessa’s rim. We all met up again just outside of Keremeos where we fixed Vanessa’s bike with the new tire. After slamming a bunch of water/Gatorade to alleviate early signs of heat exhaustion/dehydration, we were on our way.
Aside from the Husky gas station, we didn’t really stop in Keremeos. We aimed out bikes toward Osoyoos and continued on. It was 50 km away at that point. It took about 2.5 hours to get to Osoyoos which involved rolling hills and a rather lengthy hill at the end. The last 10 km included a great view of Osoyoos as well as Anarchist Mountain, which is a steep climb up the mountain on the East side of Osoyoos. I wanted to do it tonight to get it over with, but no one else was very interested in that. We pulled into a rather nice campground instead.
Vanessa and I did some laundry, hit the hot tub, and then ate some Dairy Queen. We’re at yet another campsite right beside the river. We’re getting spoiled. Too bad we barely spend any time at the campgrounds to enjoy them as much as we would like to. The photo to the right was taken from our campsite. Not too bad.
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