We woke up at about 7:45, which is about 3 hours earlier than the previous two days, and headed for the bike shop. Within 10 minutes my bike issues were resolved. Allan gave us a ride to the drop point and we started on our way.
Within 5 minutes we were going up a massive hill. I nearly lost my mind. It was so hot (it was about 10:30 a.m. at this time) and I was sweating like crazy. I started to slam back the water. It took 30 minutes to ride 5 kilometres. This was not good because we had to make it to Princeton which was, turns out, 128.1 km away.
A couple hours went by and things weren’t improving. Incline after incline. My leg was starting to ache with every hill. Once again I was not able to maintain any momentum. I was absolutely drained. Was it my bike that was the problem? Was it my leg? How could Vanessa and Kelly still be going that much quicker than me?
Within an hour Kelly was out of site (but actually only a kilometre or two ahead, turned out). I couldn’t believe this was happening but I was ready to call it quits as I thought it was either my bike or my knee. I couldn’t possibly make it over 100 km further at this pace.
Vanessa and I finally made it to Manning Park (about 50 or 60 km into the ride) and we had a bite to eat with Kelly and Allan. I had more water too. I layed down on a picnic table and iced my knee.
I got up feeling great. The next stretch was mainly downhill, but I was able to easily maintain a 40 km/hr pace. Even when it came to hills again, all I would do is take it slow and not force myself to get up the hill/mountain in record time. I found that when I went at a slower pace, it was much easier, and I wouldn’t be sweating and out of breathe at the top of the incline. It may have taken me an extra minute or two to get up, but it likely saved time in the long run.
We went through some wild stretches of road, which is what I had pictured of B.C. Steep declines and sharp turns made for a good ride. I hit my max speed (67.3 km) for the trip thus far on one of the steep slopes.
We had a good supper and hit the hay, vowing to get up at a decent time so we can make it to Osoyoos at a good hour. I’m looking forward to sleeping. I’ll be asleep within the next five minutes.
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