Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 3 Sunday, June 22

Chilliwack to Hope — Approx 70 km
I had a discussion with my knee and we decided that I’d give it a go on my own bike today. I iced my leg and took some ibuprofen — it seemed to like that. After having a Starbucks coffee for breakfast, I hopped on and cautiously rode away with Vanessa and Kelly. So far so good.

Although bikes were allowed on the TransCanada Highway at this point, we decided to take a different route that was slightly longer and believe me, it was worth it. The scenery was amazing and the road itself was in great condition. Few vehicles meant more fresh air for us. Here's a video from that stretch of highway.

We made decent time and arrived in Hope. Hope was actually a lot smaller than I was expecting. It was a pleasant surprise. We stopped at a vacant gas station for a break and I iced my leg again. In plain site was a nice looking campsite right beside the river where we wished we could’ve stayed last night instead of in the van.

We took off looking for Highway 3. We were waiting for Hope since the outset of the trip. Simply coordinating with Allan would be so much easier once we were on Highway 3 and only Highway 3.

We found Highway 3 and suddenly things became tough for me. I showed Kelly how my back tire was rather warped so we fiddled around and it turned out I had a br
oken spoke. No wonder. We put a new spoke in but weren’t sure if it was right. It didn’t feel any better to ride. It was so difficult to peddle and maintain any momentum. I suggested to the group that we go stay at “that nice campsite by the river” and get my bike fixed in the morning. It wasn’t really a hard sell, as this meant we’d set up camp at a decent time, eat a good meal, and get a good sleep. So that’s what we did. We had a campsite immediately beside the river and the sound that accompanied it, which helped us fall asleep even faster.

Because we had actually gone by Hope by about 10 km, we would get a ride out to the point we left off at so we didn’t have to do that stretch twice.

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